I saw Dave Matthews Band in concert for the first time on June 25, 2005. Five years later, I've seen them eleven times in four different states. I've seen them through the death of their saxophone player, Leroi Moore, and through the release of two studio albums. My experiences are nothing compared to most hardcore DMB fans I've met, but I've experienced enough of the band's unbeatable fusion of rock, jazz, and blues to declare myself a fan for all seasons.

Why do I enjoy them? The main theme throughout all of their songs is love. Love in all forms. Love of life, love of self, love for a lover, love for a child, love of country, etc. Each song explores this theme with a pleading passion that I think is soul-stirring. The bottom line, though, is that they really know how to get my ass shakin'.
My latest show was this past Friday in Hershey, PA. It ranks high among my other shows mainly because of my proximity to the stage. Somehow, general admission seats escaped my until this year. Excellent investment! Of all the shows, I'd say that the 2006 show at Boston's Fenway Park is my favorite. A great setlist, memorable venue, and the fact that it was released as a live album each make it all the more novel.
The Song That Jane Likes, One Sweet World, Granny, and The Stone are, among the many greats, my all-time favorite DMB songs. I've only seen One Sweet World and Granny live. I'll chase the other two for years if I have to. I find it kind of exciting that there are still songs to look forward to seeing live. I've seen the band eleven times and I suspect I'll continue to do so until they decide to stop touring.
With the announcement that DMB is taking a break from touring in 2011, I have two years or so to prepare for my next show. Show #12 in 2012? Looks like something to plan for.
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